Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the woe of an emerging artist

So the way see is it is probably the way that everyone else who has just graduated sees it.
Here am I armed with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and now I ask myself the biggest question I have ever asked myself... or perhaps the only big question I have ever asked myself... WHAT NOW?
All day life seems to be revolving around finding gigs or finding employment or working for free because eventually it will benefit you (because you have nothing better to do anyways?). Is there a job I'm qualified for other than the Paper Source, who never called me back so maybe, oh just maybe woeful art majors... maybe we're not even qualified for that? Oh and then of course I want to apply to shows and be a legit artist... what a struggle!
Good jobs, bad jobs, in between jobs. Coffee jobs and paper jobs and teaching jobs and gallery jobs OH MY! Suddenly art is no longer a paintbrush but a cover letter. Your back up job at Building 19 is actually a hard job to get.

I know this is probably the time in my life where I whine about having been a painting major, but I suppose it's only been a few weeks. I still don't regret it, I just miss painting and it's hard to paint when you should be looking for a job, but if you're looking for a job you should be painting?

Dearest artists... we have it worst than regular people. I don't know about you guys but when it says "knowledge of Microsoft Office" all i can think to myself is that I never could make those little cells look right in Microsoft Excel!

Let's toast to someday..... somehow... making our little cells look okay in Microsoft Office and finding a decent job so that when we are done with the Excel worksheet we can back home to our paintbrushes and become famous! You have a fan in me.

In other news I found the most amazing artist today! Brian Jungen- Who I will talk about next time... New hope for modern art!

I just needed to get this off my chest of course


  1. I just wanted you to know how honored I am to be a line in your blog!

    Ps.Painting major=Perfection

  2. Dearest Leigh I will dedicate a post to you next time!
